general manager of kerun company zhang qunfeng won the outstanding professional managers "2014 third session of zhejiang province jinniu award" honorary title-麻将糊了pg

general manager of kerun company zhang qunfeng won the outstanding professional managers "2014 third session of zhejiang province jinniu award" honorary title

posttime:2014-11-12 16:22:17

november 10, 2014, in zhejiang province, professional managers summit and the second member of the first post of the association was held in zhejiang hotel. vice governor mao guanglie for "a new era of commercial chain network and data flow using the" theme of the report at the conference. focus on innovation, integrity and future summit theme, respectively, won the 2014 general assembly enterprise management modernization innovation achievement award and in 2014 in zhejiang province, zhejiang province, the third in recognition of outstanding professional managers award. chapter peaks branch of china electric power technology co., ltd., general manager of zhejiang province won the outstanding professional managers "golden award" honorary title.

(picture / text, editor: xu dexing)

zhejiang province occupation managers summit and the vocational association first session of the two member assembly scene

vice governor mao guanglie as "a thematic speech model commercial chain and the data flow using the internet age"

vice governor mao guanglie as "a thematic speech model commercial chain and the data flow using the internet age"

vice governor mao guanglie as "a thematic speech model commercial chain and the data flow using the internet age"

zhang qunfeng, general manager of zhejiang province won the occupation managers "jinniu award" honor award scene

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