kerun company was invited to the 2014 private day and modern financial double butt display activities-麻将糊了pg

kerun company was invited to the 2014 private day and modern financial double butt display activities

posttime:2014-11-12 15:04:48

  november 9, 2014, by the trade and industry bureau, the provincial federation of private enterprises of zhejiang province organized the "2014 private activity day and modern techniques of modern finance butt double exhibition" in xiaoshan district of hangzhou golden horse hotel, provincial and municipal leaders , the relevant person in charge of enterprises and delegations from all regions of the province to attend kerun company invited to participate. during the event he listened carefully to the vice governor zhu on "dual docking" speech work, participated in the "double-docking" and industrial upgrading seminars and "double docking" salon and other activities.

(map / text edit: xu dexing)

2014 day-cum-private modern art modern financial butt double exhibition "venue

zhejiang vice governor zhu "butt double" speech

vice governor of zhejiang province, zhu and related leadership "double butt speech"

quzhou association of private enterprise participants

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