our company "contact wireless temperature measurement and automatic arc detection intelligent switch cabinet" was listed as the 2012 national torch program projects-麻将糊了pg

our company "contact wireless temperature measurement and automatic arc detection intelligent switch cabinet" was listed as the 2012 national torch program projects

posttime:2012/9/21 14:45:42
   in 2012 august, the ministry of science and technology issued "notice about issued 2012 annual national scientific projects" (national science and [2012]611), the company's commitment to "contact the wireless temperature measurement and automatic arc detection intelligent switch cabinet" was included in the 2012 national torch program projects, this is also the company's first national science and technology projects. the implementation of the project can improve the technology content in the technological level of enterprises and products to make the switch equipment, intelligent, high reliability to development, and to meet national smart grid construction requirements, with good economic and social benefits.

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